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The Capitol Mouse House ~ NFT - $1M - LIVEONETV 10% SHARES

The Capitol Mouse House - NFT ~ $1M USD - 10% LIVEONETV shares. 

The Capitol Mouse House is an 8ft x 5 1/2 ft model of the Capitol Hill building in Washington D.C. with the statue of Freedom on the dome NFT and 10 % stock share in LIVEONETV INC. 

The lid is retractable, micro-fan on flag, the Capitol Mouse House also has a tattoo logo stamped on back. Dragon logos hidden on the inside. This Capitol Mouse House is built and designed Ian Snow Carpenter for LIVEONE.TV HQ Studios in New York. 

The model comes with a variety mice exercise wheels, congressional model tables, two large water bottles, play scape. The model is imobile on a moving platform in excellent condition.
Photo accurate.